In a project lead by Rewilding Australia and in partnership with Parks Australia (Booderee National Park), Devils@Cradle, Trowunna Wildlife Park, Australian National University, WWF-Australia, Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community Council, and Shoalhaven Landcare, The Registry is supporting efforts to return the eastern quoll (Dasyurus viverrinus) to the wild on mainland Australia. The Registry’s role in the project […]
Category: Uncategorized
Australian Magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen) with severe Leucocytozoonosis
Registry case number TARZ_9585.1 HISTORY Juvenile fledgling magpies from the Nowra region in rehabilitation with experienced carers showing sudden onset inappetence, lethargy and death. All animals being reported with heavy throat worm loads. Some animals appear to recover slowly from the lethargy and begin to gain weight again but die suddenly, while others experience sudden onset […]
Pied Currawong (Strepera versicolour) with ‘Black and White Bird Disease’
Registry Case Number TARZ-9586.1 HISTORY This male nestling (weight 217g) bird was found on the ground in the middle of a street in Mosman, NSW. Parents around, but rescuer concerned this bird would end up on the road again. The bird was euthanased. GROSS PATHOLOGY External examination: No lesions are visible. Hydration: good; Muscle mass: good; […]
Brown Antechinus (Antechinus stuartii) with multiple parasites and presumed herpesvirus
Registry Case Number TARZ-9449.1 An adult male Antechinus (weight 4.3g) was captured overnight in an Elliott trap in Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park during annual, routine wildlife tr apping surveys. When found at approximately 0550 the animal appeared lethargic. It was handled to determine sex and condition. The animal was alive but not reactive enough to […]
Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricate) with mycobacteriosis (M. marinum)
Registry case number TARZ-9624.1 CASE HISTORY The sub-adult, male hawksbill turtle was found nearly dead on Shellharbour beach. The person who found the animal poured water over its head and it moved its flippers, but was profoundly weak and lethargic. The animal was transported to Taronga Wildlife Hospital where it was found to have erythematous […]