Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecular) with lymphosarcoma and leukaemia

Registry Case ID TARZ-6926.1 (Prosector: Jane Hall, Pathologist: Dr Cheryl Sangster) CASE HISTORY: An adult, female brushtail possum (weight 2.456 kg) was rescued from a residential laundry by WIRES and brought to Taronga Wildlife Hospital for examination. The possum had been living in the laundry for 1 month and residents had been feeding it cat […]

Shingleback (Tiliqua rugosa) with a malignant cancer (lymphoma)

Registry case number TARZ-10121_1 (Pathologist: Dr Lydia Tong) CASE HISTORY: This aged (25 years), captive, male lizard (weight 623 g) was found to have an oral mass on the right side of the maxilla resulting in tooth displacement. When touched, teeth easily fell out. The mass was reported to have developed within a two week […]