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2024 Wildlife Necropsy Workshop: Cytology 101
During 2024 the Registry hosted both the Wildlife Pathology Short Course and a pre-conference workshop for the Wildlife Disease Association. As part of these education programs we offered wildlife necropsy workshops, part of which was dedicated to the art of cytology. Here we present scanned slide images that were used during the workshops, and the […]
2024 Histopathology Master Class Case Material
As part of the Wildlife Health and Pathology Short Course held at Taronga Zoo, Sydney, Australia in February 2024, participants presented some interesting pathology cases at the Histopathology Master Class. Here we include case notes and a link to view slides. Many thanks to all contributors for the excellent case material and to all participants […]
Project Profile: Amphibian Mortality Event
Since June 2021, the Registry has been receiving reports of mass mortalities in various frog species spanning across all of Australia, but most prominently QLD, NSW, and VIC. We’ve been working with the amazing team at the Australian Museum to get a handle on how big this event is and as of November 2021 we […]
Project Profile: Lorikeet paralysis syndrome NSW & Qld
Lorikeet paralysis syndrome is a seasonal syndrome which has been occurring in eastern Australia for a number of years. This summer there has been a particularly high number of cases in northern NSW and southern Qld. The syndrome primarily affects rainbow lorikeets (Trichoglossus haematodus) but has also been reported in scaly-breasted lorikeets (Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus). Affected […]
Project Profile: An emerging disease in Swamp Wallabies
The Registry has recently been investigating ear lesions in Swamp Wallabies. The syndrome was first identified in swamp wallabies from southern NSW, but has since been confirmed in Swamp Wallabies from Sydney’s northern beaches. We are interested to learn how far this syndrome has spread so if you have seen a case, get in touch! […]